View Full Version : Best regards from "over there".

12-23-03, 11:50 AM
Got a call from "over there" last evening. What a Christmas present....one of the best ever.
All is well. Food? Not bad since the Army has to share their resources. The Special Forces really appreciate the Marines presence over there and want them there but the rest??? Well, enough has been written or speculated about the rest. I asked him if he needed anything. He said anything sent from the USA was highly appreciated. Everything received seems to be shared.
He sends his best regards to all of you this Christmas time of year and he thanks all of you for your well wishes and encouragement.
Adios from South Florida.

12-23-03, 01:43 PM
Always feels good to know someone close at hand is there protecting and serving.

Makes one feel as if they are part of it with prayers and well wishes.


Doc Crow
12-23-03, 11:44 PM