View Full Version : Medical question (yes another one)

08-19-13, 08:52 PM
Hello Marines, I have wanted to be a Marine since I was 5 years old, I want to be either a infantryman, scout sniper, or Marine recon. But lately I realized i have some medical conditions that I think will disqualify me from the Marine Corp (Marine Corps). I do realize most of you aren't doctors so I will explain everything that is concerning me. I have a corrected lazy eye which you can only see when I look from the side. I am blue/green color blind, so the doctor says anyway, I see all colors perfectly fine just when they are put together in shades it creates a small problem. And I also have a minor case of lumbar lordosis which is where my back curves in making the butt and gut stick out. I would greatly appreciate any help you guys (Marines....the Marines who are going to answer your questions have EARNED the title) can give me, and again I know most of you are not MEPS doctors but anything you know would be great. Thank you for your service to this country and thanks for any help you can give me.

Tennessee Top
08-19-13, 11:21 PM
I know two things. First is NONE of us are doctors so we can't help you. Second is if one wants to join an organization, the least they can do is learn how to spell it correctly. Geez...really?

Rocky C
08-20-13, 07:07 AM
Your best bet is to visit a Marine Corps Recruiter and ask all the questions you want.

Best of luck to you.

08-20-13, 10:21 AM
Why do I always feel like I'm being set up. . . . .with these questions?


Tennessee Top
08-20-13, 01:17 PM
Why do I always feel like I'm being set up. . . . .with these questions?


Because, like everybody else here, you can't answer them.

08-21-13, 02:30 AM
Your recruiter. Your recruiter knows all. They are up to date on all the most current policies and procedures for admission into the Armed Forces. Many of us here haven't been active duty for a while now. Again. Your recruiter is the best one to ask. Good luck.

:marine: DEREK ​:usmc: