View Full Version : Marriage/marijuana

Ken Hendry
06-18-13, 04:03 PM

For those who haven't heard, Washington State just passed both laws - gay marriage and legalized marijuana.

The fact that gay marriage and marijuana were legalized on the same day makes perfect biblical sense because Leviticus 20:13 says, "If a man lies with another man they should be stoned."

We just hadn't interpreted it correctly before!

06-18-13, 05:26 PM
Frankly with all due respect, the Bible is not to be :interpreted" as if it were a foriegn language. When read literally it does not mean that a word, sentence etc is to be applied literally. Old Testiment is just that yet much of it can be applied to modern application/s. The New Testiment specifically applies to all times to all people without interpretation. Jesus did not creat religeons, His church is Him alone, not any church that man has created. IF for example in the Old Testament God had not stated that homosexuality was a stench in His nostrals, then that that ommision WE can say that it is ok. Since God did say it then so must we. As for the use/abuse of hallucinagenics, again the Old and New Testament is very cleary about the excess/abuse of (anything) is for self gratification and simple adds to ones problems. The use of Medical marijuana is a human choice that is a bad selfish choice that will have consequences. We cannot adjust the Bible to fit us, we must adjust ourselves to fit Gods words. When the two thieves next to Jesus on the cross had a choice in their last moments only one acknowledged Jesus as the Son of God. And Jesus told him that he (a slug thief) would sit next to Him in heaven. While the other thief mocked Jesus. We do not have to wait for our final hour for salvation. For those who inherit the Kingdom our body will NOT have tattoo's, jewelry or drugs in us. In our actions/words/thoughts their is no place we can hide from God. We do not need a lawyer/minister to "interpret" right and wrong. For some it is simple and others, well they just like to make things complicated. ALWAYS FAITH FULL.