View Full Version : Vietnam 67-68

DOC Goffe
01-25-13, 12:06 PM
Looking to locate anyone from India Btry - 3rd Btln - 12th Mar. I was the Corpsman for the Unit when I left country in Nov. of 68.

Doc Goffe

01-31-13, 11:01 PM
Doc I was with HQ Btry 12th spent Apr to Dec 1967 at Gio Linh worked with a lot of different Corpsmen

02-01-13, 07:35 AM
Where was I battery located? Spent time on Hill 65 and left in Nov. 68

DOC Goffe
02-01-13, 11:40 AM
I joined India Btry in Nov of 67 at Camp Carroll and left from Quang Tri in Nov of 68. We were just outside the airport.

02-02-13, 04:16 AM
Was stationed in rocket belt area outside DaNang, Hill65,37, Liberty Bridge, Dodge City. Spent a number of drunken nites at airport barracks whenever I could get away. Have nothing but praise for all the corpsmen I was around.