View Full Version : Need answers about MCT -- FAST!

Pvt Crybaby
11-30-03, 09:46 PM
(Note: This is also posted in the Poolee Section. They are identical posts.)

My boot leave ends tonight. Tomorrow, I get on a Greyhound for MCT.

There's one small problem.

The briefing on what we were to take wasn't quite adequate, because I have NO IDEA what they really expect me to bring. I checked the SOI website and their information corresponded with what I believed to be commonsense -- bring your utilities and boots and all your hygiene gear, etc. etc.

What about my clothing bag full of my service and dress uniforms? Do I need ALL FIVE of my utility uniforms? Do I need my ICBs AND my jungle boots? Can I throw out that ridiculous "idiot rag"? Do I need the extra seabag we were issued? What will happen to the diddy bag full of magazines and junk food I'm bringing to survive the 16 hour ride there?

I'd REALLY appreciate a Marine who's recently been through MCT to help this new, wet-behind-the-ears devil dog figure out what the hell he's supposed to bring along.

Also, should I wear my Service A on the busride or should I wear civvies and change before reporting? That's probably more of a preference thing, but I could be wrong. It's always best to double check with someone who knows.

Thanks a lot!

Semper Fi,

Private Huff

12-01-03, 09:32 PM
Hey, I went to MCT at Camp Geiger in September.
I would bring all 5 pairs of cammies and both boot. Cause you are going to be spending all your time out in the field with no laundry machines. You might need all your cammies when after you been crawling in the mud.You spend your the first day you get to MCT processing putting your **** in the squadbay, then the next day getting gear and you freaking leave for the field (Camp Devil Dog)that freaking day. You are out there in the field for 3 weeks, so take anything you might need. I didn't know that we were staying there for 3 weeks, so I left clothes and stuff behind.So i ended uphaving to buy a lot of socks, skivies tshirts and skivies drawers while out in the field cause I didn't want to wear my dirty clothes. So remember to bring your wallet and atm cards,etc. DOn't leave it in the rear.Now when you leave thats where your extra seabag comes in. I accummulated quite a few junk when I left MCT because the very last sunday you spend at MCT, you should have already returned back to the rear and they give you like 4 hrs of libo time to get a hair cut and visit the PX near Camp Geiger at the nearby New Rivers Air Station. People were buying all sorts of crazy stuff like dvd players, Xbox. Also leave your freaking bootcamp books at home, I brought them and didint use them one bit. You can leave the freaking idiot rag at home too, you dont really clean your rifle until the end when you get an inspection and then you turn them in. I would recomend not bringing all your dress uniform cause you dont wear them at MCT, you might need them at MOS school, so maybe bring one bravo shirt, one charlie shirt, alpha coat, one trouser, etc. You should always try to lighten your load and not bring excess crap.And the stuff you bring like junk food and stuff u can keep them. I would recommend changing into alphas when you get to MCT. Also get your ass to proccessing as soon as possible. It can get crazy there, I got there at noon and didin't get finish processin until 11pm. It sucks ass, and reveille the next day is like 0400.

07-17-04, 12:11 PM
Hey I'm also headed there on July 27th 2004, so all this info's pretty helpful. I'm gonna bookmark this particular page. Thanks sirmess1. All this helps a lot.


07-17-04, 11:30 PM
Hey Crybaby, This might sound funny but if you have time stop at Meijer or K-mart or something like that and buy a few flea and tick collars for cats . One for each ankle , wrist,and even your neck. I know it sounds stupid but I hear it works. Good luck with MCT.


07-18-04, 12:16 AM
if it was issued to you at bootcamp, take it WITH YOU! it is a part of your bassic issue, and you are gonna need it before you ever see home again.