View Full Version : Feeling pretty lost, in need of direction and general advice

10-12-12, 10:01 PM
The title basically describes it. I'll try to sum this up with the best amount of brevity I can manage while being accurate. <br />
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I joined the Marine Corps as 0861 (artillery scout observer) in...

10-13-12, 02:40 AM
First things first, SemperFidelis young brother. <br />
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Don't ever let anyone compliment you for your brevity, <br />
i almost ran out of breath reading your question. <br />
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You're wanting someone here to tell...

10-14-12, 03:11 AM
Try paying it forward by helping other people. May I suggest volunteering with a local Young Marines unit teaching kids who want to be Marines by living the lifestyle now. They can use your knowledge, and it will keep you connected while you work on your rehab. You may be prepping a young person for becoming an outstanding Marine.
My son was a Young Marine, and is now a US Marine. It is a worthwhile program.
Good luck with your rehab, and Semper Fi

10-14-12, 02:02 PM
Good luck re-enlisting with a 3P, is not going to happen! That is for any branch of the service, maybe you can be an enlisted advisor for JROTC or young Marines as listed above!

Good Luck