View Full Version : Travel restrictions - IRS

04-16-12, 08:48 PM
IRS Travel Ban: Revoking Citizenship By Stealth <br />
Provision that allows feds to suspend passports of accused tax delinquents expected to pass Congress <br />
<br />
Paul Joseph Watson &amp; Alex Jones <br />

04-17-12, 07:52 AM
Contitution does not mean much to some in DC and will not until we the People remove them with our votes.

04-17-12, 04:32 PM
Infowars is the propoganda site of infamous conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

He has claimed various things, including that the US is building concentration camps to house Americans, UN troops are going to attack and take over the US, and various other things. He also places a lot of stuff on his sites that is hateful to our Dark Green (African-American) Marines.

Please watch your sources, as he also has made a number of very hurtful claims about 9/11 for those of us who lived in Manhattan in that time period.

04-17-12, 04:49 PM
A record number of Americans living abroad are renouncing their citizenship due to our confiscatory tax regulations and corporate tax rate that is the highest in the world.

www.reuters.com (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/16/us-usa-citizen-renounce-idUSBRE83F0UF20120416)

04-17-12, 07:00 PM
East West
As with any reporting agency. There is bound to be a spin on the focus.
Reality is the facts of pending bills.
Personal opinion is we have too many bills already.

When was the last time you saw common sense applied ?

Typically I don't visit mentioned site but topic caught my attention.

If you have proof to the contrary please share
Intrest is the truth.

04-17-12, 07:36 PM
Don't cheat on your taxes and this won't happen then.

04-17-12, 07:46 PM
You are right on with your observation.
If that were the only issue ----

Problem is greasing the skids for erosion of our freedoms one at a time

Why haven't our leaders informed us of this bill (and others) ?
Why has there not been some form of a vote or choices ?

04-17-12, 08:33 PM
Troops owe IRS $390 million....... guess congress can bring them home and not send anyone to war again.


And at least one Congressman has the right idea to hold members of Congress and the Senate accountable for back taxes,although we all know how far that will go.

http://news.bostonherald.com/news/us_politics/view/20120414scott_brown_bill_targets_tax_scofflaws_in_ congress/srvc=home&position=recent

04-18-12, 07:06 AM
Direct quote from the sites operator (Alex Jones) regarding supposed DHS preps for the upcoming race war: "“putting out videos and propaganda telegraphing what I believe to be a conflict with white America they’re preparing for after they get another 10 or 15 million people in the country to back them up."

So there is a quote where he states that the US government is preparing a war on "white America."...

He has also interrupted US military drills by accusing domestic based drills to be preparation for the US military to attack Americans. He tried to stop the USANG from conducting mock searches for arms dealers (to prep for deployment to OCONUS where they would do similar things) that was to take place in a town. So there he is stopping our Army brothers from preparing for war because he believes that the War Fighter is trying to prepare to take over the country.

His website currently has an article talking up how great it is that the Wikileaks guy has a show on the Russian propaganda channel and interviewed the leader of Hezbollah, so they can spread what he considered the truth.

Now, if you want to find the text of the bill you can go to: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/112/s1813/text

Note, this would only apply in the most serious of cases, requires due process (Due process means a judge is involved at some point in most governmental functions) and has lots of exemptions for people who are challenging the debt. Fact is, there is no constitutional right to international travel. Only a constitutional right to interstate travel for those not under restriction for criminal penalties (parole, probation).