View Full Version : Reserve to AD rate lat move?

08-23-11, 01:30 AM
Hey devils new to the forum. Dont know where this belongs, but thought Id put it here.

I am a reservist, hate it. I want to switch to AD. I heard somewhere that when you switch to AD you get a whole new contract/MOS whatever. Is this the case? I only have about 14 months TIS, so I dont rate the 2 year lat move yet.

I'm a college grad, I originally wanted to go officer, but fell in love with wearing black on my collar after going to bootcamp as a "career move". I want to be a grunt. I want to get the real essence of the Corps and get experience being a ground pounder before I go off to OCS.. so I just wanted to know realistically if this could ever happen for me..

08-23-11, 06:23 PM
From what I have understood there is nothing that says you get a latmov. You will have a hard enough time getting to the AD component. Most likely you will need to be an MOS match for an MOS that has openings. Everyone is trying to go AD right now so the competition is fierce. You have to apply now with a local recruiter for consideration in Jan to see who gets to go. Its not as simple as just wanting to go and then sign a document and ship off. It is like any other job, you have to apply and hope.