View Full Version : Gerd, is it waiverable?

08-07-11, 07:19 PM
If acid reflux is mild and easily controlled will it require a waiver or possible DQ someone?

Lisa 23
08-07-11, 07:45 PM
Most of the Marines here on Leatherneck don't have the answer to your question. There are one or two recruiters who frequent this site, but until then, talk with a recruiter face-to-face to get the most current up-to-date info. They can answer this better than we can.

Military Medical Standards for Enlistment & Commission

Abdominal organs and gastrointestinal system

The disqualifying medical conditions are listed below. The International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes are listed in parentheses following each standard.

The causes for rejection for appointment, enlistment, and induction (without an approved waiver (http://usmilitary.about.com/od/joiningthemilitary/a/medicalwaiver.htm)) are an authenticated history of:


Current or history of esophageal disease, including, but not limited to ulceration, varices, fistula, achalasia, or Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (530.81), or complications from GERD including stricture, or maintenance on acid suppression medication, or other dysmotility disorders; chronic, or recurrent esophagitis (530.1), is disqualifying.

Current or history of reactive airway disease associated with GERD is disqualifying. Current or history of dysmotility disorders, chronic, or recurrent esophagitis (530) is disqualifying.

History of surgical correction for GERD within 6 months is disqualifying. (P42 esophageal correction, P43 stomach correction and P45 intestinal correction.)


Sgt Leprechaun
08-08-11, 12:03 AM
So, bottom line up front, if you are undergoing treatment for GERD, or have it, then you are DQ'd.