View Full Version : 90 Day Poolee Audit

07-26-11, 09:06 AM
Hey guys, for those of you that have been through this, I have a question because I have one coming up

What goes on during the audit?

Basically from what I've been told, the SgtMaj goes over your paperwork to make sure nothing has changed, then grill you for like half an hour to make sure you haven't done anything stupid/illegal. If you could help me out I'd really appreciate it, I'm pretty nervous since I haven't been through one yet.

07-26-11, 09:18 AM
We call it a "scrub." You'll do an IST, then they'll go over your paperwork, ask you about any discrepancies, and ask you if anything has changed (drug use, police involvement, medical, etc.)

07-26-11, 09:27 AM
usually how long does the non ist part last per person?

07-26-11, 09:30 AM
usually how long does the non ist part last per person?

As long as nothing has changed, it will take about 5 minutes. At least, it did for me.

07-26-11, 10:04 AM
oh ok cool then... My friend who used to be a poolee told me it was going to be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG grill session

07-26-11, 11:36 AM
You are shipping soon so they are just screening you out making sure you are still ready to ship and havent done drugs or havent gone to the hospital all that good stuff.

07-26-11, 12:06 PM
Only thing we're having is Poolee's fail their IST's after being in for over 5 months and the SNCOIC is tired of being shamed at the MOT's infront of the local MC command here. <br />
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I passed and only...

07-26-11, 02:23 PM
My substation must be lucky then...even the newbies (myself included) passed the IST
Basically, you should be asked some questions like you were asked at MEPS, no biggie.

07-26-11, 04:21 PM
They're looking for an excuse to discharge people, that's all.

07-26-11, 07:39 PM

07-26-11, 09:40 PM
I was screened the last time by our Gunny and the Sgt Major Murano only because i had a contractual problem. The time before that it was by a Captain that i see around and sometimes PT's with us. My 30 day pre-ship should be on friday or saturday.

07-26-11, 10:53 PM
Wow bro... EVERY SINGLE Poolee we have can AT LEAST pass the IST lol. I'm on the lower average from our RSS and my stats are in my signature...

07-26-11, 11:45 PM
Really RSS Everett is dropping fools like it's cool

07-26-11, 11:56 PM
Damn bro... for not meeting IST standards?

07-27-11, 02:05 AM
That and just lack of attendance at weekly functions, something I'm guilty of as well. Lot of people feel like they're in decent shape and that since they're still civilians that they shouldn't be at the beck and call of their recruiters unless it's something to do with contractual stuff. I'm not the only who feels that way about functions, but yeah they've kicked out a couple of guys because "they've become apathetic".

07-27-11, 07:05 AM
My current scores suck even though my Recruiter says their good but I do pass and I'm one of the heavier built fellas out there.

I have to do the run over again today *hopefully it keeps raining* so the SNCOIC feels "reassured" that I'll pass and I told him I'll run it after work so that he knows that I'm at my ****ty point of being tired. If I pass it then there is no def I can pass it.

I ran and walked the IST and still passed but I guess some Poolees just dont have that heart to finish out strong when they need to.

Yea going to the functions suck and it seems all of them have been mandatory lately but I still go in and make sure I'm early. I went last week thinking it was just going to be a "talk" but I got chewed out for not being in PT attire. I didnt have to stay but I still stayed and passed the pull up and crunches portion with "going out" clothes on.

My girl stayed in the RS while we did pull ups and she said it was crazy how some Poolees couldnt even get 1 pull up. She said there was one guy that they said he could jump and them pull up and he still couldnt do it. I heard alot of yelling while standing outside so I knew it wasnt good.

My Recruiter has faith in me and doesn't mind me not coming to PT but lately all this mandatory **** has had me there when I didnt want to go but yo......my phil is "if youre already there why not do your best?"

**** will get you through the suck of life when you think/feel you couldnt do it.

Nj St Of Mind
07-27-11, 11:45 AM
That and just lack of attendance at weekly functions, something I'm guilty of as well. Lot of people feel like they're in decent shape and that since they're still civilians that they shouldn't be at the beck and call of their recruiters unless it's something to do with contractual stuff. I'm not the only who feels that way about functions, but yeah they've kicked out a couple of guys because "they've become apathetic".

I feel like this, I'm still a Civi, and I want to enjoy the time I have left as a Civi. I've missed a couple of the Functions, only went to ones I thought would be fitting (Annual function, family days).

It is crazy seeing other Poolees who can't do any pull ups or more than 40 crunches. And more than a few are the ones who attend EVERY Pool Function, and even the weekly PT sessions my RS has.

I didn't get chewed out but I got put on the spot once because my one referral who couldn't do more pull ups than me or more crunches, only thing he had was a good run time, started going to all the PT sessions and went to all the functions, and he passed me in pull ups and became guide. At the time I was stuck at 16 pullups and he could only do like 7 or 8.

But without attending the PT sessions and Pool Functions, I surpassed him already, not in the run though. Point is I know how to handle myself.

But this is my last summer and so far its going amazing, and I wouldn't trade any of those functions for it. When I was younger and use to dream about finally enlisting and joining the DEP I honestly thought I would be more into and want to be a part of everything that happened, but it was before I even started working out and being more active (last year is when I started prepping like I always knew I would). Now I'm really confident in myself and I think thats all it takes.

07-27-11, 02:43 PM
I feel like enlisting into the DEP is a first commitment to the Marines. If the Marines ask you to do something, you pretty much have to do it, once you are a Marine. I feel like if I couldn't hold up a commitment now, why should the Marines even be allowing me to serve?
So I go to every poolee function I am able to attend.
That's just 3 times a week, only one of which is technically "required", a saturday PT/chat session. The other two are PT sessions for those who wish to attend, and I choose to attend due to my low IST scores and a need for improvement (Passing, but not passing with flying colors)
It's all about commitment.
Besides, if I have a legitimate reason not to attend, I just tell my recruiter whats up and he's fine with it. It's fair enough.
If people don't wanna fulfill their commitment, why should the Marines fulfill their commitment to them?

07-27-11, 05:07 PM
Well I ran the running part of my IST again after work and it dropped a whole minute which makes me fail now.

I asked my Recruiter for one on one help to reduce my time before Oct and he said ,"I will not fail you trust me, we'll shave 2-3 minutes off that time."

Sounds like its going to suck but I need this done and I'm really disappointed in myself. Since my weight has been dropped under shipping weight I can train to throw those scores up.

*Had to vent so I threw it in here*

I did ask the SNCOIC if the Corps was looking to drop people from the program and he replied, "No.....I just dont want turds in my program....."

07-27-11, 06:08 PM
What is your run time at currently? As long as you keep up on your running you will drop time over and over again. in one month I went from a 13:35 to 12:03 then 2 weeks later it went down to 11:20. it went back up a few weeks later to 12:20 because i wasnt ready for the IST i thought it was just a pool function now I am just going to assume every pool function is an IST.

But it can be done even by an old man such as myself. I mainly have to work on pull ups next thats something i am lacking I am at like 6 now.

07-27-11, 06:23 PM
I went from 13:17 to 14:17 and since I'm past my shipping weight I'm going to start running more, going to TRY to make it a daily thing and adding miles when my body gets use to the current running miles I'm at.

07-27-11, 06:34 PM
That and just lack of attendance at weekly functions, something I'm guilty of as well. Lot of people feel like they're in decent shape and that since they're still civilians that they shouldn't be at the beck and call of their recruiters unless it's something to do with contractual stuff. I'm not the only who feels that way about functions, but yeah they've kicked out a couple of guys because "they've become apathetic".

Wow dude, that's straight up a FAIL lol

07-27-11, 06:37 PM
I feel like enlisting into the DEP is a first commitment to the Marines. If the Marines ask you to do something, you pretty much have to do it, once you are a Marine. I feel like if I couldn't hold up a commitment now, why should the Marines even be allowing me to serve?
So I go to every poolee function I am able to attend.
That's just 3 times a week, only one of which is technically "required", a saturday PT/chat session. The other two are PT sessions for those who wish to attend, and I choose to attend due to my low IST scores and a need for improvement (Passing, but not passing with flying colors)
It's all about commitment.
Besides, if I have a legitimate reason not to attend, I just tell my recruiter whats up and he's fine with it. It's fair enough.
If people don't wanna fulfill their commitment, why should the Marines fulfill their commitment to them?
Amen brother

07-27-11, 07:02 PM
I went from 13:17 to 14:17 and since I'm past my shipping weight I'm going to start running more, going to TRY to make it a daily thing and adding miles when my body gets use to the current running miles I'm at.

Oh lame. I sometimes take preworkout stuff. Theres this one you can get from wally world called NOS it helps your body beter utelize the oxygen you are taking in.

Id also say good game on trying for every day usually i dont work out like the week before an IST and i usually rest a couple of days after an IST but I have started trying to get into a daily running routine too. Im not sure how far i am running im sure it is at least a good 2 2.5 miles through the woods. For me it helps i like it better than running an outdoor track. It is softer than the track your end really isnt in sight and you can pay more attention to your surroundings than how far you are running.

My goal was to be able to run the entire trail by november I accomplished that feat yesterday and i started running this trail like last week. but I think I am going to continue to run this trail but add variants which id definately recommend.

For example next week im thinking of picking up the pace so I can run the same trail but faster, then i think after I am going to run the trail with my kickboxing mouth piece in to create i guess what would be an air restriction so I can try and make my body run better with less oxygen coming in. Similar to what some marathon runners do when they go running up in the mountains. Still the same trail but adds different levels of difficulty to it.

ETA: now when you run your IST are you running the whole thing? or are you stopping and walking? When I went from 11:20 to 12:20 i walked a few hundred yards. Dont give up on yourself.

07-27-11, 07:24 PM
Theres a couple trails around here I should start using to my advantage.....I'm sure enjoying nature and listening to music while running is soothing and takes the mind off the pain of your guts being beat up.

lol this is the funny thing, I walked a couple feet during my first IST and today I ran straight through it. Also, when I ran the first time I was off and had a good nights rest but today I just got off work and been up since 0445. I was hungry and tired but I still did it.....no excuses.

I call it a excuse but my father called it not being fresh enough to pass it.

07-27-11, 08:25 PM
Oh lame. I sometimes take preworkout stuff. Theres this one you can get from wally world called NOS it helps your body beter utelize the oxygen you are taking in.

To a degree, pre-workouts are good, but be VERY wary of taking them. Its a good idea to cycle on-and-off of them as many contain a lot of things like energy enhancers (caffiene, guarana), and creatine, which helps you gain some muscle and strength, but you tend to lose as soon as you stop using the product. My point is, your body often becomes accustomed to these products and even will crash without them.

When we're all at Parris Island, I doubt the SDI will give us time to mix N.O.Xplode or Jack3d 45-60 minutes before being PT'd to death... and given that your performance actually declines after cycling OFF of them, you dont want your decline point to be the first phase of 13 long weeks...

a good diet of 5-6 small meals (roughly 500 calories, high in protein) a day, and diligent workouts are much much better for you.

When I was playing hockey/lacrosse, we werent allowed to use many of the substances in pre-workouts during the season, and the guys who normally trained without them did better than the guys that trained with them pre-season...

just my .02 cents...

Nj St Of Mind
07-27-11, 08:26 PM
I feel like enlisting into the DEP is a first commitment to the Marines. If the Marines ask you to do something, you pretty much have to do it, once you are a Marine. I feel like if I couldn't hold up a commitment now, why should the Marines even be allowing me to serve?
So I go to every poolee function I am able to attend.
That's just 3 times a week, only one of which is technically "required", a saturday PT/chat session. The other two are PT sessions for those who wish to attend, and I choose to attend due to my low IST scores and a need for improvement (Passing, but not passing with flying colors)
It's all about commitment.
Besides, if I have a legitimate reason not to attend, I just tell my recruiter whats up and he's fine with it. It's fair enough.
If people don't wanna fulfill their commitment, why should the Marines fulfill their commitment to them?

You're right on every part.

But to me its more of personal preference, I understand NOW that I will have to answer to the Marine Corps once I am en enlisted man, so the time I have now I use it to relax so I don't have to regret not taking advantage of the opportunities I'm getting now later on. I've spoken to many Marines when they are fresh out of MOS school, whatever their MOS is. And many of them told me they wish they spent more time with family and friends than doing PT and committing so much while they were still civilians.

I hope you guys don't take this as a lack of commitment, not that I care what you think. I know what I want, it doesn't make me any less committed than the guy next to me. I still PT every day, I improve every day, and I study knowledge every day, the only difference I don't allow myself to be at the beck and call of my recruiters. And I don't give them any reason to be on my back.

I guess its just how I am, so for those of you who do attend every function and every PT session, I respect you, but not any more than those who don't go and can still do as much as you can, and know as much as you do. Not any less either.

Its the ones who don't go with about 1 month left before their shipping date and still can't pass the IST and mope around the office all day talking how they wish they got an Infantry contract.

But, to each his own. Cheers.

07-27-11, 08:51 PM
You're right on every part.

But to me its more of personal preference, I understand NOW that I will have to answer to the Marine Corps once I am en enlisted man, so the time I have now I use it to relax so I don't have to regret not taking advantage of the opportunities I'm getting now later on. I've spoken to many Marines when they are fresh out of MOS school, whatever their MOS is. And many of them told me they wish they spent more time with family and friends than doing PT and committing so much while they were still civilians.

I hope you guys don't take this as a lack of commitment, not that I care what you think. I know what I want, it doesn't make me any less committed than the guy next to me. I still PT every day, I improve every day, and I study knowledge every day, the only difference I don't allow myself to be at the beck and call of my recruiters. And I don't give them any reason to be on my back.

I guess its just how I am, so for those of you who do attend every function and every PT session, I respect you, but not any more than those who don't go and can still do as much as you can, and know as much as you do. Not any less either.

Its the ones who don't go with about 1 month left before their shipping date and still can't pass the IST and mope around the office all day talking how they wish they got an Infantry contract.

But, to each his own. Cheers.

I would also agree with you. People who aren't putting in the effort on their own time or on the Marines time have no right to whine about contracts.
I just personally prefer the group PT, as it is nicer to have some people to run with, plus I'm more motivated and driven to push myself.

07-27-11, 09:47 PM
I don't have a lack of commitment, I just don't really care much for the functions, I still want to be a Marine, but after my obligations are taken care of as a civilian. That being when my friends go off to college and the pool I work at closes for the summer.