View Full Version : Possible Poolee

07-06-11, 11:34 AM
Hello Ladies and Gents,
I'm currently thinking about joing the Marine Corps. However i have a few questions. I am:
Finace to a current Marine
Graduated from high school in June 2011
18 years of age
5'5, 165 lbs(sounds like fat but its muscle)
Scored a 21 on the ACT with out studying
Need glases/contacts to see daily
Shin splints and permanent crack in my jaw bone
1 minor traffic violation ($10 ticket for not wearing a seat belt)

My questions are: Do I qualify to enlist? And besides talking to a recruiter, what steps to i need to take to begin my journey of joining? (such as pt, asvab, meps?)

Before I end, I remembered 2 more questions: What are the physical requirements for female Marines to join? What are the hair regulations for female Marines?

Thanks in advance!

07-06-11, 01:11 PM
1. Study. A 21 will not get you to/through MEPS
2. http://usmilitary.about.com/od/marinejoin/l/blrecweightfem.htm - Weight. You're over. You say it's muscle, well tape out. You are allowed 26%
3. http://usmilitary.about.com/od/marines/l/blfitfemale.htm - PT standards
4. Glasses/ BCGs issued at bootcamp
5. Shin Splints- suck it up Permanant crack- now that brings up a new whole story. Might need BUMED or medical waivers. Waivers are very difficult to get now.
6. Ticket- that I believe is just a RS waiverso you would probably be fine.
7. Do you qualify? Im a Lance so I can't tell you but you know who might? A recruiter today instead of waiting on the internet for a bunch of Marines to say " well maybe" or "idk"
8. http://www.marcorsyscom.usmc.mil/sites/mcub/pages/uniform%20regs%20chapters/chapter%201_files/chapter%201.asp - erah MCOs start reading for all your Regs because I dont care about your hair.

07-06-11, 02:01 PM
She said a 21 on the ACT, thats not the ASVAB. I know there different test and the ASVAB test is alot easier, so you should honestly be fine, but it never hurts studying at all. I got a 87 on the ASVAB without studying, but that doesn't mean jack, book smarts and common sense is going to be what really seperates you in boot. Your going to have your book recruits who know all there knowledge but freeze on simple orders, and those that are studs at everything but when it comes to a test, they freeze. Know your strenghs and your weakness, and work on them. Be truthful and dont lie to yourself while making that assesment, lieing only hurts you.

07-06-11, 05:56 PM
Dang MarineFTW you caught me. I let my arrogance get to my head and overlooked what she actually tested on, good catch. Well Ill retract my previous statement. 21 on the ACT gets you into any college, so Im sure you wouldnt struggle on the ASVAB. The asvab is kinda like an overview of basic highschool. Mainly up to your sophmore year. Its cake walk.