View Full Version : Active duty VS Reserves

07-02-11, 12:02 AM
I have googled around a bit, but I am not quite sure of the difference between active duty and The Reserves. I hear you can pick a specific MOS if you are in The Reserves, but how does that get transferred to getting deployed? Thanks Marines in advance

07-02-11, 12:57 AM
Active duty- You put on the cammies/ uniform everyday
Reserves- You go to "drill" one weekend out of the month and 2 weeks a summer
You will make more money and better benefits going active duty, but to a certain extent more is expeted of you.
Active- You can only choose an MOS field and not a specific job
Reserve- You can choose your specific MOS but itll have to go with your reserve unit. Example cant be a grunt in a reserve wing squadron.
If you have anymore specific question go ahead and ask. we are here to help

07-02-11, 08:48 AM
Ok that clears things up quite a bit, thanks Tookie.