View Full Version : Marine given eight years for assault on a sergeant

10-17-03, 12:39 PM
Marine given eight years for assault on a sergeant <br />
October 17,2003 <br />
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A Marine lance corporal who used a metal pipe to beat a sergeant who told him to quiet...

Sgt Sostand
10-17-03, 01:48 PM
8 years that to easey they should have made it 20 for attacking a SGT

10-17-03, 05:34 PM
Your right Sgt Sostand, 20 yrs would be more in line, for that
crime. There's just one other fact I don't understand, Booze
in the Barracks. If he didn't have the booze, this probably would
not have happened.

10-17-03, 06:26 PM
I have to agree with both of you! 20 years is a start! When did they start allowing booze in any barracks? Thats just asking for trouble!

10-18-03, 01:21 AM
How about 20 yrs at hard labor. If he really walked around for 45 min looking for a weapon then he should have been found guilty of attempted murder, with no question what so ever. Just another example of how our Corps is deteriorating. I am for "Quality of Life" in the barracks but we have let it go too far. Remember the days when all that you were allowed to own had to be able to be stored quickly and easily in order to deploy? Now these kids have home entertainment systems in the barracks. Some units allow these young Marines to have personal furniture such as recliners. As far as alcohol in the barracks, they have been given no choice since the majority of the E-Clubs and NCO clubs are gone.

10-18-03, 10:49 AM
Twenty years ,seems about right ,type of discharge is right. <br />
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Me thinks our Marine Corps. is going down hill ? <br />
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I served Peace time 1958-1961 &gt;&gt;&gt;0311 We had some problems with rowdy Marines ,we...

Art Petersn
10-18-03, 04:08 PM
The attempted murder charge should have stayed. <br />
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For a Clp. to attach a Sgt. with a wapon has to be attempted <br />

corporal bull
10-19-03, 10:20 AM
I cant believe a coropal would have committed such a crime on another marine. It makes me sick !