View Full Version : intel

03-27-11, 10:40 PM
i am currently a 1371 combat engineer. i am a lance corporal with one deployment under my belt and im about to hit my two year mark. i would like to lat move to the Intel field. if i lat moved to 0231 Intel specialist would it be possible to later as a sergeant or staff sergeant to become a 0211 counter Intel or if i go to Intel spec. will i be stuck there for good. thank you for your time any input is greatly appreciated.

03-28-11, 05:05 AM
Possible yes, likely no. You would be coming into the field as a SSgt with no experience in the MOS. Why not just lat move directly to CI?

03-28-11, 02:20 PM
Because he cannot lay move to 0211 as an E3. Also take into consideration the need for combat engineers right now, your command may tell you to eat dirt. If 0211 is what you want, wait until you're an NCO and make the move. That way they can pull you if they want you without command approval.