View Full Version : can my ship date get pushed back??

02-16-11, 01:47 PM
i was told i was going to get shipped out to basic in august and now at meps they said in march such short notice, i asked the staff sergeants at meps if i could get it pushed back and they told me to ask my recruiters staff sergeant, would he be able to push it back or switch me with someone else.?

and if not can i get shipped out with another recruiting station.?

also i dont wanna leave on such short notice because of personal problems that cannot be dealt with within a month

Tennessee Top
02-16-11, 03:10 PM
Read the rules for poolees. You are not texting here on this forum. Pay attention to the rule about proper punctuation/capitalization.

You are about to get visited by the black choppers.

SSgt Lamie
02-17-11, 07:32 AM
Yes, your ship date can be adjusted but usually only for special reasons. If you have school or something going on that will prevent you from going to Recruit Training on your specified time. But no matter the case, speak with your Recruiter about your concerns. There is always someone who wants to move up and leave earlier, so this should not be an issue.