View Full Version : Tips on Crunches

02-07-11, 08:25 PM
I just have a couple of questions regarding crunches.

1.When taking the Crunches section of the test, do your shoulder blades need to lay flat after each rep or can they just touch?

2.I cannot yet do 100 crunches, and I've read that I should just continue to do 100crunches at one sitting, no matter how long it takes me. Should I just leave it at 100 or should I go for 200? I can feel my abs tightening, but it seems like a quick workout(100). *I don't want to overwork them either, seeing as this is a daily workout.
(Takes like 3-5 sets to achieve 100)

Any tips or advice would be appreciated.
Thank you Marines!

02-07-11, 09:36 PM
You should do 200 crunches.

USMC Infantry
02-08-11, 12:53 PM
You should do 200 crunches.


02-08-11, 02:48 PM
I need help some tips too

02-08-11, 02:59 PM
I jumped from 60 crunches, to 81. In 1 day.

I did 3 sets of 100 in the morning, 1 set in the afternoon, and 2-3 more sets in the evening. On the last set in each time, I would do 50 with a 25lb plate, and 50 without.

Do a lot of them. Id say 300 a day would suffice. Just make sure your getting quality protein(steak, chicken, tuna, fish, etc) during the day so your abs and back can recover STRONGER for the next day

You can also do endurance sets and what not to help with speed. Check this out:


02-08-11, 03:12 PM
Your shoulder blades just need to touch and try bringing your ass bone as close as you can to your feet, it shortens the distance, and keep practicing in two minute times. But then also do ab excercises to help

Time Bandit
02-09-11, 01:36 PM
Doing 100 will be easy after 300 per day for a week.

02-09-11, 06:49 PM
I need to get my crunches up. I can do about 50-60 now so yea.....I need 100 to be satisfied.

I do the ab weight machine at the gym with lots of weight which I know is stupid......going to start actually doing crunches besides on IST's or PT's

02-09-11, 07:33 PM
let me throw some advice out there...

what I see from new poolees coming into the station is that when they do the IST they don't BREATHE they hold their breath and exhale at random times.

if you EXHALE on the way up and INHALE on the way down, you'll increase your crunches by at LEAST 50%.

trust me, give it a try.

hey there btw soon2have- been a while.

02-09-11, 07:40 PM
I've got a method, it's a really good one.

Do a lot of crunches.

Blew your mind huh?

02-09-11, 07:57 PM
let me throw some advice out there...

what I see from new poolees coming into the station is that when they do the IST they don't BREATHE they hold their breath and exhale at random times.

if you EXHALE on the way up and INHALE on the way down, you'll increase your crunches by at LEAST 50%.

trust me, give it a try.

hey there btw soon2have- been a while.
Ive been doing the opposite, inhaling up and exhaling down. Thanks for the info

02-09-11, 08:41 PM
Ive been doing the opposite, inhaling up and exhaling down. Thanks for the info

no problem man.

02-09-11, 09:44 PM
Thank you all for your posts. Everyone was very helpful, and theres alot of good information!

02-11-11, 01:08 AM
there are special programs out there, like 6 weeks to 200 crunches (can be found online for free) or ultimate abs by mens health, got me from 35 to 75 in under 2 weeks, i havent checked my max in a while so i cant be sure if im up to 100 but im sure im not far off, just stay consistent and work your abs every other day, also, as impateint said, breathing out forcefully when you crunch up helps you squeeze your abs more which tightens and strengthings them

02-12-11, 06:13 PM
There is some very good information here. Thanks to everyone that posted tips!

02-14-11, 05:47 PM
sorry to interupt this your post but crunches are my weakest exercise. I can run fast but I cant do abs to save my life. I just performed my first IST and only was able to get 42. Now in order to improve should I be doing crunches every single day? Doesnt the muscle need atleast 48 hours to rest just like the rest of your muscles? By doing them every day arent you ripping the muscle tissue and not giving it time to heal and grow? I could be wrong but what has worked for you guys?

02-14-11, 06:03 PM
Honestly, when I started this post I could do 25 crunches (alot of situps but not crunches)

Ever since I got feedback on this post, I've been doing them every single night and my max is already up to 80reps. 300 at a sitting and everyday they become easier.

The information in the thread is golden advice.

02-28-11, 08:51 AM
While the abs are predominantly made of Type 1 (endurance) muscle fibers and respond to slightly higher repetition ranges,your abs are made up of muscle just like any other part of your body. Therefore the best abs exercises to get that “cut” look are those that are resistance-​​based and treat them like any other muscle.
But there’s a special little trick you must know in order to maximize your abs training on your way to having a stacked 6-​​pack.
In fact, ignoring this principle, could force you to develop “lopsided” abs that are so common among beginner bodybuilders.
Let me share this secret with you now…

The main abdominal muscle you want to be working when training your abs is your “rectus abdominis”, that sheet of rippled muscle that goes from your rib cage all the way down the front of your body to your pelvis.
What’s unique about this abdominal muscle group is that the upper abs can work separately from the lower abs (to some extent)…BUT when you work your lower abs exercises, your upper abs are ALWAYS working as well.
This is why most people (including myself from years of military training focusing on upper abs) had overdeveloped upper abs but underdeveloped lower abs.
Here’s how to correct this…
Make sure you train your LOWER ABS first in your abs workout (ALWAYS!) which brings both upper and lower abs into the workload!
If you don’t work your lower abs first, you exhaust your upper abs too soon and when you DO target your lower abs, your upper abs will fatigue too fast and you’ll end up with “under-​​targeted” lower abs.
So the best exercises for lower abs are:
* Incline Leg Raises
* Incline Knee Ups
* Hanging Leg Raises
* Flat Bench Leg Raises
And then follow up with the best upper abs exercises:
* Crunches
* Weighted Crunches
* Situps
* Hanging Knee Raises

02-28-11, 09:50 AM
Ok... you don't need any special programs, etc to improve your crunches. seriously. Just pump 'em out in 2-min intervals a couple times a week. Do like 5 or 6 sets. I started at like 55 crunches on my IST, and now I'm doing over 100. I guess all the screaming in boot camp also tightens up your muscles, lol. And doing core exercises like planks and all that... anyway, to any and everyone: don't even sweat being able to do the crunches. By the time you take that final PFT it's gonna be cake. Was for me. -1st class on PFT and CFT yeahhhson! lol