View Full Version : Graduation Date

01-24-11, 01:39 PM
I'm trying to plan a wedding for myself and my finace when I get back from recruit training so I need to know right now what my graduation date is.

I ship out on March 21st, 2011... 20110321

When is my graduation date exactly, I know it's a Friday, but I need to know EXACTLY which Friday it is. May? June? July? I have no idea.

Any help? I've tried searching and nothing came up.


01-24-11, 05:14 PM
maybe you should wait bro. i am in the same situation but what if a freak accident happens or something and you might stay longer then expected??

idk just giving you the thoughts that my fiance and I have talked about

01-24-11, 05:15 PM
Yeah I know... Anything could happen, right?

I will have to talk about it.


01-24-11, 05:23 PM

Big Tuna
01-25-11, 11:00 PM
Yea bud I might hold off for now.... what if something happens like you sprain an ankle or break an arm? It might not even be your fault! And then your graduation date will get delayed and your entire wedding will have to be delayed... not to MENTION having to tell everybody invited to the wedding why it got delayed. Oh... and add onto that having to go thru all of the paperwork of changing your marital status right before going to MCT/SOI. Any single thing that doesn't go exactly according to plan could screw up what should be the greatest day of your life... you don't want to run that risk.

All that said, congrats on finding somebody you want to spend the rest of your life with! I wish you all the best man!

01-26-11, 12:17 PM
I am in the same boat here guys I wanted to do it before I ship But my recruiter says its best to wait until i get back from Bootcamp, so i guess im just waiting for a good time to do it so i can bring my Fiancee and son with me!