View Full Version : 7 Thanksgiving blunders your family won't forget

Phantom Blooper
11-24-10, 09:28 PM
Written by Stephanie Modkins

Can't wait to see your parents and siblings for the holidays? Before you go, remember your manners. Although you may not intentionally mean to, you can ruin your get together and turn everyone's celebration sour with a few wrong moves. Below are seven of them that you'll want to avoid on turkey day. These Thanksgiving blunders are ones your family won't soon forget and might cause of few of them to whisper behind your back or not pick up the telephone when you call.

1. Criticizing a nephew (or niece).

Okay. Your nephew is a brat. He won't stop running, pulls out everything in your purse and keeps jumping from behind doors and scaring you. Regardless of his behavior, keep your annoyance to yourself. Instead of announcing how you feel out loud, allow his parents to reprimand him. If they aren't saying anything, just politely pull them to the side and ask for a bit of help.

2. Bringing a smelly, inedible dish.

Want to be reclassified as the woman in your family that just can't cook? If not, make sure whatever you contribute to the meal is hot and delicious. This Thanksgiving blunder your family won't forget is the most prevalent mistake. Long after your dish has been tossed in the trash by the host, your relatives' will be joking and laughing about it. Do yourself a favor and take your time preparing whatever you bring or buy your dish precooked from a store.

3. Telling a scandalous family secret.

Like many families, yours has secrets. Your sanctimonious uncle was once a thief; your new "perfect" brother-in-law is actually cheating on your sister; and, your always-competitive cousin is lying about having a great job. Maybe inside you're dying to crack all of their facades and reveal the truth. Yet, the time to do this type of thing isn't around the dinner table on a holiday. Besides the fact you'll cause a big family stir, you'll also hurt the people you love and create a major rift amongst your relatives.

4. Arguing with your boyfriend/spouse.

Another Thanksgiving blunder that your family won't forget is a big blowout between you and your significant other. If you both fight openly before your 'peeps', they'll be discussing what you each said and did for years. Don't put yourself in this type of predicament. No matter how angry your male companion makes you; wait until you get home to argue.

5. Passing gas at the dinner table.

Only in a comedy is passing gas at the dinner table funny. What makes this type of behavior humorous on the big screen is that in real life even a fool knows it's a no-no. So act like a mature, classy lady on turkey day. Politely excuse yourself and go to the bathroom if you have to let out gas and take a few antacids on the way back to your seat.

6. Having sex with a relative's man.

This Thanksgiving blunder your family won't forget is a no-brainer. While you're socializing with your relatives and their boyfriends and spouses, don't accidentally fall on top of one. Respect the golden rule, "thou shall not sleep with a male who belongs to a female sharing your DNA." Not only will your behavior ruin the festivities, your mishap will also drive a wedge between you and your family. No one will trust you again for what seems an eternity despite how much you beg for his or her forgiveness.....and above all if you decide to do this....get a room...don't use the hosts table.

7. Eating and running out the door.

Your family dynamics may be full of snafus. Your mother is bossy; father a bore and brother a pest. As a consequence, you hate being around them. Yet, leaving right after the meal on Thanksgiving Day is poor etiquette. The host spent several hours preparing for your arrival and deserves some type of recompense. In return, you should stay for a few hours and interact with your family. Your sacrifice will be a sign of respect.

These seven Thanksgiving blunders are ones your family won't forget. Avoid doing any of them and stay in the good graces of the people you love.