Marine Corps - USMC Community - You CAN Have It All!!!
  • You CAN Have It All!!!

    Women can have it all, but first you need to figure out what “it” is that you want! Just remember, allow your goals to change over time. You will change and your priorities and ambitions will change and sometimes plans don’t always work out as we intend. Being flexible will help you stay on track and understand that sometimes, your going to fail. Failure is a part of growth. It allows you to learn from your mistakes and makes you stronger as you face difficult challenges.

    What we need to understand as women is that there will be many obstacles to achieving your goals. Reality is that we are in a male dominated world, but I believe women will rise as we continue to reveal our value. So often, women leave the workforce because of the difficulty with balancing personal and professional lives. Being in the corner office, Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps or Female Infantry Officer may not be for everyone.

    No matter what you decide, there is no right or wrong answer and I certainly don’t have all the answers. In order to be successful in whatever you decide there are a few tips that I would like to share with you that have helped me.

    Be Confident
    Women tend to look at things differently than men and often we second-guess ourselves. We don’t give credit to ourselves when credit is due. You deserve your success. Create ownership of success and understand your own success. Believe in yourself!

    Don’t just talk about it, be about it!
    Your ideas and concepts are valuable. Speak up. Sometimes you will have good ideas and other times you will not. Keep your hand up! You will never know what opportunities can come to you if you do not get out of your comfort zone.

    Create a level playing field.
    Juggling home and work is difficult. Choose a partner who will support your ambitions and will do their part with the kids. Often women are the ones sacrificing for their partner. Making equal contributions is key to a successful relationship, family life and career.

    As this journey continues, I am looking forward to sharing my obstacles and experiences with you to assist with growth and opportunity!